I have fond memories of my Aunt Gloria - I consider her to be one of my Grandmothers. She was the traditional Texan housewife who lived out in the country in the middle of cotton and maize fields. Every single day she cooked three square meals for her family and lunch didn't consist of sandwiches, but a full hot meal with meat and potatoes. Beyond that she also made the most amazing cookies, pies, and candy. These Old Fashioned Tea cookies were among my favorites. These cookies are made with a cookie press. Buy a cookie press at a garage sale, thrift store, or flea market. Or you may even find one stored away in your Aunt's or Grandmother's cabinet! They are delicate and crisp; perfect for dunking in tea and coffee.
There's nothing more beautiful than lovingly warn recipe cards.
1 ¾ cup sugar
1 cup butter
2 eggs
3 cups flower
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs one at a time. Add remaining ingredients. Knead dough on floured board. Chill, roll out on floured board cut out with biscuit cutter. If using a cookie press, mix thoroughly and chill for at least fifteen minutes. Put dough in cookie press. Back at 325 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes.
Cookie pressing in progress!
Baked and ready to be dunked in a cup of steaming hot coffee! Enjoy.