Friday, July 22, 2011

Champagne Flights

The amenities Western Airlines included in 1956: reserved seats, gourmet dining, vintage champagne, and orchids for the ladies.  Oh what happened to these days?
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

House Tour_In the Canyon:Mid-Century Modern_Santa Monica_10.23.10

I absolutely adore house tours - especially those of the historic nature.  Why?  I enjoy being a voyeur - tours are an intimate look into another person's life. Some historic houses definitely pose a lifestyle challanges, so it's interesting how owners adapt and confront design issues.  I toured four open houses during the Santa Monica Mid-Century Modern tour and here are my top three favorites:
Byron Pumphrey House, 615 Kingman Avenue, Santa Monica (Harwell Hamilton Harris, 1939)

Byron Pumphrey House

Byron Pumphrey House

John Entenza House (I), 475 Mesa Road, Santa Monica (Harwell Hamilton Harris, 1937)

John Entenza House (I)

Eames House, Case Study House #8, 203 Chautauqua Boulevard, Santa Monica (Charles and Ray Eames, 1949)

Eames House

Eames House

Eames House
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Now Men Woo With Steaks!

Is this the next cupcake fad - candy in the shape of meat?  
Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1928, p.A5.
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